" In all the world there is noone else like me" "Therefore everything that comes out of me is authentically mine because I alone chose it"
( from a special book someone gave me a long long time ago )

Monday, January 9, 2012

I am writing this today to remind myself that the small things that show success are just as important as the big ones,,, even if it isnt the sign i want to be seeing --ie the scale moving lol... I need to remind myself of that. While I have spent the last week eating correctly and going to the gym three days last week the scale has not moved at all :( it is very frustrating. However on Saturday after working all day my plan was to go the gym, and by 330 when i got out of work i wanted no part of it! But my husband pushed me -- thanks husband -- after doing my usually workout i tried something i had not been able to even half do - support myself by my arms and lift my legs up to work the lower abd. i was able to support long enough to do 5 lifts,, no it isnt a huge amount ,, 5 probably doesnt even accomplish anything - but it was 5 more than i could do 8 months ago.. that is a small thing showing me that something i am doing is working,, and hopefully the scale moving downward will follow suit... ...


  1. it is the small things we miss so often cuz all we can is the big stuff that takes up our lives and we lose track. Good job on those 5. We have to learn to walk before we can run and it is with baby steps.

  2. 5 is a huge accomplishment even if it seems small! Great job and before you know it you'll be up to 3 times that or more. You are doing awesome and should be proud!
