" In all the world there is noone else like me" "Therefore everything that comes out of me is authentically mine because I alone chose it"
( from a special book someone gave me a long long time ago )

Monday, January 2, 2012

First Day as a Blogger

 So, today it my first day blogging, it took me nearly all day to just name the damn thing. The silly things I obsess about I tell you .

2011 went by so fast, my baby girl got her permit and before I knew she was a driver.. yikes.
My youngest isnt so young aniymore turning 14. That left me with the question "what now?" What do I do know that they do not need me 100% of the time.... kind of a scary question and for most of the year I did nothing, just went day to day going to work coming home.  However in early early November a light came on and I realized I needed to find purpose.. or at least find things that i enjoyed spending my time doing. I took up knitting,, and I am making more time for visiting friends. I have a wonderul new camera and am loving every minute of taking pictures.

The new year is also bringing to me a more determined self... determined to lose the last 40 lbs that would like to  - In october of 2009 I had the gastric lap band surgery done and over the last two years have lost 108lbs. I still do not share my highest weight with anyone, or my current, dont think i ever will.... but today i started the "last 40" chapter. I got my butt back to the gym where i worked out for and hour and half..its so easy to forget you enjoy it. With getting back to the gym I am changing my eating and useing my lap band tool the way it was ment to be used.

My blog here will probably be all over the place - from talking about my kids and husband to friends and bitching about work to being honest about my food and excersize...


  1. you go girl........ work it..........

  2. First day as a blogger. A great beginning! Just take it one post at a time.

  3. Terrific! It is certainly good therapy to have I blog and helps keep you inspired and motivated because now you feel somewhat accountable. I love being a blogger it is lots of fun as well as challenging to keep it fresh. Enjoy it and your new freedom!
