" In all the world there is noone else like me" "Therefore everything that comes out of me is authentically mine because I alone chose it"
( from a special book someone gave me a long long time ago )

Monday, January 9, 2012

I am writing this today to remind myself that the small things that show success are just as important as the big ones,,, even if it isnt the sign i want to be seeing --ie the scale moving lol... I need to remind myself of that. While I have spent the last week eating correctly and going to the gym three days last week the scale has not moved at all :( it is very frustrating. However on Saturday after working all day my plan was to go the gym, and by 330 when i got out of work i wanted no part of it! But my husband pushed me -- thanks husband -- after doing my usually workout i tried something i had not been able to even half do - support myself by my arms and lift my legs up to work the lower abd. i was able to support long enough to do 5 lifts,, no it isnt a huge amount ,, 5 probably doesnt even accomplish anything - but it was 5 more than i could do 8 months ago.. that is a small thing showing me that something i am doing is working,, and hopefully the scale moving downward will follow suit... ...

Friday, January 6, 2012

What a Week...

This week was by far one of the longest most emotional weeks. I was having some pretty intense work stress while trying to eat well and get to the gym.
Finally today I stood up for myself and i think things will be ok. I had a job interview yesterday afterwork.. dont think i will accept it if offered, as pointed out to by a good friend i am a hands on person, i am not the sit behind the desk type, even though it was at at dr. office its not doing the work i enjoy.
I did make it to the gym monday and wed this week - tomorrow after work is on the agenda.. the scale is up 4lbs since getting back at it.. grrr.. i know i know stay off the scale.
funny i started this post today with all kinds of things in my head.. now they are gone so i will end this blog for today... have a great weekend everyone.

Monday, January 2, 2012

First Day as a Blogger

 So, today it my first day blogging, it took me nearly all day to just name the damn thing. The silly things I obsess about I tell you .

2011 went by so fast, my baby girl got her permit and before I knew she was a driver.. yikes.
My youngest isnt so young aniymore turning 14. That left me with the question "what now?" What do I do know that they do not need me 100% of the time.... kind of a scary question and for most of the year I did nothing, just went day to day going to work coming home.  However in early early November a light came on and I realized I needed to find purpose.. or at least find things that i enjoyed spending my time doing. I took up knitting,, and I am making more time for visiting friends. I have a wonderul new camera and am loving every minute of taking pictures.

The new year is also bringing to me a more determined self... determined to lose the last 40 lbs that would like to  - In october of 2009 I had the gastric lap band surgery done and over the last two years have lost 108lbs. I still do not share my highest weight with anyone, or my current, dont think i ever will.... but today i started the "last 40" chapter. I got my butt back to the gym where i worked out for and hour and half..its so easy to forget you enjoy it. With getting back to the gym I am changing my eating and useing my lap band tool the way it was ment to be used.

My blog here will probably be all over the place - from talking about my kids and husband to friends and bitching about work to being honest about my food and excersize...